Při příležitosti dvanáctého setkání sítě kreativních měst UNESCO (UCCN) v Krakově a Katovicích přispěla Praha město literatury k projektu „Básnická setkání“ iniciovanému městem literatury Heidelberg a městem řemesel a folkového umění Fabriano, aby vytvořily speciálně svázanou a vytištěnou antologii oslavující literaturu a její místo ve světové kultuře.

51 básníků z 28mi měst literatury UNESCO se sešlo dohromady, aby oslavili společného ducha, který je jádrem UCCN, a aby podpořili jazykovou různorodost skrze básnické vyjádření z celého světa. Kniha je věnována všem lidem po celém světě, kteří si cení síly a bohatství literatury a podpory svobody myšlení a slova. Všechny texty byly napsány a vytištěny na krásný ručně vyrobený papír foliového formátu z Fabriana, města řemesla a folkového umění. Papír byl zaslán z UNESCA přes Heidelberg všem městům literatury UNESCO po celém světě a potom, co byl vyplněn literárními díly, byl zaslán zas zpět Fabrianu, kde byla tato unikátní kniha svázána.
Kniha byla darována starostům Krakova a Katovic starosty Heidelbergu a Fabriana na zvláštní přednášce během ročního setkání sítě kreativních měst UNESCO.
Do knihy přispěli Jakub Řehák a Tomáš Míka a byli natočeni, jak píší na papír z Fabriana. Video bylo upraveno v Tel Avivu, městě mediálních umění, s hudbou poskytnutou městem Mannheim, městem hudby, a bude promítáno během „Krakovické“ události, aby se ilustroval projekt a jeho celosvětová spolupráce mezi kreativními městy UNESCO. Zvuková stopa k filmu byla vzata z přidruženého hudebního projektu „Promíchej město – Mennheim“, zvláštního hudebního projektu, který bude uveden v Katovicích.
Konverzaci můžete sledovat na #CitiesofLit #Krakowice2018 and #UCCN2018.
UNESCO Creative Cities collaborate and present Poetic Encounters at the XII UNESCO Creative Cities Network Annual Meeting
To mark the XII UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) Meeting in Krakow and Katowice, Prague City of Literature have contributed to the project ‘Poetic Encounters’, initiated by Heidelberg UNESCO City of Literature and Fabriano UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art, to produce a specially bound and printed anthology celebrating literature and its vital place in world culture.
51 poets from 28 UNESCO Cities of Literature have come together to celebrate the collaborative spirit which lies at the core of the UCCN and to support linguistic diversity through poetic expressions from around the world. The book is dedicated to all people worldwide valuing the power and richness of literature and advocating freedom of thought and speech. All texts have been written or printed on beautiful handcrafted, folio-sized paper from Fabriano UNESCO City of Crafts and Folk Art. The paper was sent from Fabriano via Heidelberg to all UNESCO Cities of Literature worldwide and, after being filled with literary works, was sent all the way back to Fabriano where the unique book has been bound.
The book was gifted to the Mayors of Krakow and Katowice by the mayors of Heidelberg and Fabriano at a special presentation during the annual meeting of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.
“We are committed to using poetry to bridge the cultural divide within our local communities as well as worldwide. The Poetic Encounters project celebrates our ability to join together, in a spirit of solidarity and passion to ignite creativity and international collaboration.” example quote by Director of City of Literature Office
Contributing to the book, Jakub Řehák and Tomáš Míka were filmed as they wrote a literary piece of art in Czech language on the Fabriano paper. The film, edited by Tel Aviv, UNESCO City of Media Arts, with music provided by Mannheim, UNESCO City of Music, will be shown during the ‘Krakowice’ event to illustrate the project and its worldwide cooperation between UNESCO Creative Cities. The soundtrack of the film is taken from the joint music project ‘Mix the City – Mannheim’, a special music project that will be launched in Katowice.
Follow the social conversation using #CitiesofLit #Krakowice2018 and #UCCN2018.
UNESCO’s City of Literature programme is part of a wider Creative Cities Network that was launched in 2004 and is currently made up of 180 UNESCO Creative Cities globally. As of 2017, the UNESCO Cities of Literature network of 28 cities represents 6 continents and 23 countries, and a combined population of over 26 million, 1250 libraries, 130 literary festivals and over 1200 bookshops. The Network is active in making the literary and creative sectors of cities thrive through the development and implementation of a shared global strategy, which aims to promote the network, share good practice, and ensure that literature reaches diverse audiences.
About UNESCO Creative Cities Network Meeting
UNESCO Creative Cities Network Annual Meetings offer a unique occasion to strengthen the ties between cities from around the world and serves as a platform to define the strategic objectives of an expanded and well-balanced Network.
Contributing authors from the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature in alphabetical order:
- Mohammed Hussein Al Yaseen (Baghdad)
- Emily Zoey Baker (Melbourne)
- Soffía Bjarnadóttir (Reykjavík)
- Matilde Camphilo (Óbidos)
- Claudia Castro Luna (Seattle)
- Eiléan Ni Chuilleanáin (Dublin)
- Jacques Côté (Québec)
- Maurizio Cucchi (Milan)
- Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill (Dublin)
- Carol Ann Duffy (Manchester)
- Ralph Dutli (Heidelberg)
- Fatemeh Ekhtesari (Lillehammer)
- Mireille Gagné (Québec)
- Rhian Gallagher (Dunedin)
- Sergei Gogin (Ulyanovsk)
- Lauren Haldeman (Iowa City)
- Helena Janeczek (Milan)
- Jakub Kornhauser (Krakow)
- Onno Kosters (Utrecht)
- Hasso Krull (Tartu)
- Ko Kyungsook (Bucheon)
- Małgorzata Lebda (Krakow)
- Christine De Luca (Edinburgh)
- John McAuliffe (Manchester)
- Christopher Merrill (Iowa City)
- Pedro Mexia (Óbidos)
- Gcina Mhlope (Durban)
- Tomáš Míka (Prague)
- Ángeles Mora (Granada)
- Bragi Ólafsson (Reykjavík)
- Maarja Pärtna (Tartu)
- Ana Pepelnik (Ljubljana)
- Ruby Pinner (Norwich)
- Jakub Řehák (Prague)
- Anastacia-Reneé (Seattle)
- José Carlos Rosales (Granada)
- Andrej Rozman Roza (Ljubljana)
- Marjana Sarka (Lviv)
- Gigory Semenchuk (Lviv)
- Alan Spence (Edinburgh)
- George Szirtes (Norwich)
- Marion Tauschwitz (Heidelberg)
- Terje Thorsen (Lillehammer)
- Gala Uzryutova (Ulyanovsk)
- Hanneke van Eijken (Utrecht)
- Chris Wallace-Crabbe (Melbourne)
- Rory Waterman (Nottingham)
- Georgina Wilding (Nottingham)
- Iona Winter (Dunedin)
- Ester Xargay (Barcelona)
- David Ymbernon (Barcelona)
English translators from the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature in alphabetical order:
- Sa’ad al-Hasani
- Paul-Henri Campbell
- Míriam Cano
- Vitaliy Charnetsky
- Marina Espasa
- Hossein Fallah
- Go Chang Soo
- Katia Grubisic
- Olivia Hellewell
- Bernie Higgins
- Ross Howard
- Michele Hutchison
- Brandon Lussier
- W. Martin
- Meg Matich
- Amos Mattio
- Askold Melnychuk
- Tomáš Míka
- Sadek R. Mohammed
- Ana Pepelnik
- Frederika Randall
- Paula Ribeiro
- Rod Rojas
- Lytton Smith
- Pablo Strauss
- Jayde Will
- Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese
Artists from Fabriano UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art
Paper and Watermark Museum – Fabriano
Project Curator: Giorgio Pellegrini
Paper makers: Luigi Mecella, Roberto Rapanotti, Federico Salvatori
Calligrapher: Maestro Amanuense Malleu
Book binder: Giuseppe Baldinelli
Idea and Concept:
Heidelberg UNESCO Creative City of Literature (Dr. Andrea Edel, Phillip Koban) & Fabriano UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk
Art (Giorgio Pellegrini, Vittorio Salmoni, Carlo Pesaresi)
Overall Coordination: Heidelberg UNESCO Creative City of Literature (Phillip Koban)
Calligrapher in Heidelberg: Kornelia Roth Part II with English translations has been designed by Bettina Bank (Heidelberg) and printed on the handcrafted Fabriano paper by Baier Digitaldruck GmbH Heidelberg.